well despite my sourpuss attitude this week...i have to say the weather has been helping me from completely losing it this week. also despite having to work everyday, i've actually gotten to enjoy it with a few outside runs and some laying out of course. beats paying for a tanning package that will just make me feel guilty bc of how awful it is for you. least this tan is au natural. anyways, so i had an early day today opening up the gym. has been a while since i've had to due to my other schedule. finished the last of my online classes schoolwork for the week...thank bejesus. and mr scuba steve is coming home for the weekend today. so today is turning out to be pretty good. decided i'd clean the gym up a bit today so i'm not sure i'll get a workout while i'm here given i'm only here till 10, but i definitely planning on running outside and doing a lower body workout afterward and probably some abtastic things as well. women's health mag has some good lower body routines to incorporate into your routine which is where i think i'll be getting my butt blaster today.
i've been eating pretty good despite my up and down schedule. i really think right now anyway that that's the hardest part for me. some days i have a quick breakfast, work for 7 or 8 hours without a break and come straight to the gym where i'll finally get lunch around 3. then i'm there till 8 and i end up having a snack here and going home to dinner which i'm usually ravenous. then there are the days where i don't work till the afternoon so i eat breakfast and lunch about 4 hours apart then have to go like 6 until dinner. which was how yesterday sort of was except i couldn't eat dinner until after 8. those days really frustrate me because i know what that's doing to my metabolism and i also hate eating later at night because i don't sleep as well on a full stomach. but such is life right? hopefully when i'm a big girl (whenever the hell that's going to be) i'll have somewhat of a more consistant schedule and i'll be able to plan a little better about my eating schedule.
anyways i figured i'd just throw in an update. i don't plan on weighing myself. i almost took some pictures to show my progress but i'm not sure there's that much of a difference and i'm def not ready to post them. but i'm starting to feel a little bit better anyway. so things are goint okay! enjoy the sun :)
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